28 June 2010

another bout of the incoherent ramblings.

maybe i'm far behind, which is usually the case when it comes to music/movies/technology/anything that needs electricity, but i've "found" this band that i cannot stop loving. not only does the name frightened rabbit make me want to cuddle them and feed them carrots of bravery, but their lyrics...oh the lyrics.

i recently acquired their album "the winter of mixed drinks" and it's been on repeat. i keep wanting to really hear the lyrics, and i start listening to them, but get so sidetracked by the music. i think mothership likes them too because he is curled up on the floor next to me with the most serene look on his face. i don't think chuck cares either way, but i've already deemed him "special needs."

mothership and i recommend this album. chuck wags his nub-tailthing at you.

this post is exactly why i failed my theory and criticism class in college. i am the worst critic. it is nearly impossible for me to provide an objective opinion of a work of art. maybe i'm wrong, but i don't believe there's a place for critics in art. i believe art is incredibly personal and emotional, no one can tell you how to respond to a particular work. now, of the critic's job to determine whether the art is "good" or not...again, i'm certainly upset that i missed the day that the president of good art was handing out this certification, but i believe that "good" is subjective.

so, with that said...i like frightened rabbit and maybe you will to. so give them a listen. if you don't like them, neat. but if you do, holler at meh.

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