14 September 2011

so, i've been thinking about things.

i realize i have a lot of questions about science but i don't have anyone to answer them. if any of my 5 blog followers happens to be a scientist, please answer the following questions (in complete sentences):

1. where do ideas come from? i swear, one minute i can be sitting there thinking about absolutely nothing and then all of the sudden BAM! i have the most awesome thought. ever. where did that come from?!

2. how do cells know what to do? like...you got your lip cells and you got your mustache area face cells (i know there's a more scholarly way to say that.)  how do the lip cells know when to stop being lip cells and start being mustache area face cells where the lip ends? (scientist, i realize this may be a confusing question but if you and i are going to be friends, you're gonna have to let me explain a little bit more in real life. because i swear i know what i mean.)

ok, those are all the questions for now. i'll write down all of the other ones i have and post them later.

thank you, scientist!

<3 jenni

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