22 August 2011

everything, everything will be just fine.

i never realized it until now but i'm a problem solver. i never really gave myself too much credit in that area because when faced with a problem, i never came up with solutions quickly or off the top of my head. i always considered that a flaw and i would clearly never make a good Commander in Chief of a country in the midst of a nuclear holocaust. luckily, i'm not applying for that job.

i'm the thinking type. the "give me a few days and i will solve the main problem and any other little problem debris" type. sometimes this is misunderstood as being lazy or careless but in reality my brain is going over every possibility. i think this commercial is a good example of how my brain works.

(haha, awesome still photo)

today was a great problem solving day. i decided to trade in my beloved Angus for an older model because i found that my car insurance is still pretty high (and yes, i've checked around...believe me!) and my car taxes are astronomical. i also needed some money to pay off school so i can graduate and take state boards as soon as possible. i found a great 01 honda accord that actually rides better than my ford focus and will probably last longer, not to mention i'm sure my insurance and taxes will go down AND i got back enough money to pay for school. BAM. problem(s) solved. 

"it just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride."

not that this is the end of all my problems...but it sure is nice to be able to breathe a little easier.

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