28 February 2011

day two.

hello friends! it's a quite perfect day in columbia...breezy, warm, sunny. it's days like this (though fleeting as they are) that make me think columbia isn't all that bad. :]

today's topic is where i'd like to be in 10 years. i knew this would be a difficult one because it's impossible to know who you'll meet or what opportunities will be presented to you even in the span of one year. my life today is COMPLETELY different from my life one year ago. but i don't suppose the point of this topic is to make psychic predictions...so i'm going to state my goals and my ideal life in 10 years.

and, OF COURSE, this is all assuming 2012 was a miscalculation...ha.

in 10 years, i will be 36 (almost 37.) i'm gonna go out on a crazy limb and say that i'd like to be married to paul by then and considering the possibility of adopting another cat. since mothership is never going to die, he'll be around too.

in 10 years, i would like to be a hair color specialist and hair design specialist. ideally, i would like to be working on runways and behind the scenes for major events. i'd also be working behind the chair.

in 10 years, i would like to be living out west in either colorado, montana or somewhere peaceful in california. we'll see how that goes with my career...

i'd also like to win a NAHA. (go google it.)

so i'm pretty ambitious for my next 10 years of life...but crazier things have happened! :]

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