28 February 2011

day two.

hello friends! it's a quite perfect day in columbia...breezy, warm, sunny. it's days like this (though fleeting as they are) that make me think columbia isn't all that bad. :]

today's topic is where i'd like to be in 10 years. i knew this would be a difficult one because it's impossible to know who you'll meet or what opportunities will be presented to you even in the span of one year. my life today is COMPLETELY different from my life one year ago. but i don't suppose the point of this topic is to make psychic predictions...so i'm going to state my goals and my ideal life in 10 years.

and, OF COURSE, this is all assuming 2012 was a miscalculation...ha.

in 10 years, i will be 36 (almost 37.) i'm gonna go out on a crazy limb and say that i'd like to be married to paul by then and considering the possibility of adopting another cat. since mothership is never going to die, he'll be around too.

in 10 years, i would like to be a hair color specialist and hair design specialist. ideally, i would like to be working on runways and behind the scenes for major events. i'd also be working behind the chair.

in 10 years, i would like to be living out west in either colorado, montana or somewhere peaceful in california. we'll see how that goes with my career...

i'd also like to win a NAHA. (go google it.)

so i'm pretty ambitious for my next 10 years of life...but crazier things have happened! :]

27 February 2011

day one.

ok, it took a while before i could get some time to sit and write but here it is! day 1 of the 30 day blog post challenge!

today's topic: my current relationship!

ah...what a wonderful topic. i really think i could write a wonderful book on this topic alone but i'll try not to. plus, it probably makes me sound like one of "those people."

speaking of "those people," you know, the ones who talk only about their significant other and how much they love them and all that mushy stuff...i used to get annoyed by them. but i've come to find that it's just one of those things that i'd rather hear about, as opposed to all of the negative things that i could be hearing about.

my current relationship is pretty rad. i'm dating a chap named paul huff. he's a student at usc studying geography. he's super smart and an awesome musician. he plays drums in a band here in columbia. but i guess the most important thing about paul is that he truly is my best friend. i've heard people say stuff like that before and i always thought they were just saying that to be sweet. but it's just so awesome to be with someone you can sit and talk with and laugh with and cry with. it's a really neat experience.

we started dating on october 31, 2009. we met in february of 09 through my roommate kevin (who plays in a band with paul.) i always liked paul, i could tell he was different from a lot of guys. i never heard him speak negatively about anyone, he was never rude, and his friends never had anything negative to say about him. another plus was that he was never extremely sarcastic. i was a very sarcastic person, sometimes to the point of being rude or insincere. i was trying to become more genuine with people, so i noticed right away that he was genuine. he would joke around but it would be a sly, witty comment.

at the time we met, i think he was kinda seeing someone and i was off being young and stupid and really just kinda going through that searching phase that a lot of twentysomethings go through. a few of my girlfriends who knew the both of us said that we would be great together and i agreed, but kevin always told me that i wasn't "paul's type." so that halted the progress temporarily.

and then there was halloween. a few people were at paul's house so i decided to go over there and hang out. after a few cups of liquid courage, i let paul know that i liked him and much to my surprise/joy, he liked me too!

and so we've been together and having so much fun. we both love cats, which is pretty awesome (and not weird at all.) he's brought so much to my life and has helped me to become the kind of woman that i want to be.

i definitely can't wait to see what's ahead...

21 February 2011

something to look forward to!

not gonna lie...i stole this from rachel. but she stole it too! :]
i'll get started on this tomorrow!

day one.

i'm not normally the most consistent person and this blog has been an unfortunate product of my "try new things...every 5 minutes" mentality. i also didn't post the most uplifting material due to a really pitiful and self-destructing outlook.

but having been encouraged by a friend's journey on the other side of the country, i have decided to resuscitate this thing and take it along on my journey.

in the past year after my father's death, so many changes have happened in my life. some good, some not so good.

the good list
i started school at paul mitchell
(on my way to having a fun skill)

had a few meltdowns
(through these, i saw what a strong and loving man paul is)

adopted chuckles
(although i think he hates me now)

visited the beautiful state of montana
(and found my future residence!)

went to yellowstone national park

the not-so-good list
i took all of my frustrations out on my hair
(and now i barely have any)

i also began eating my feelings
(and gained 15 lbs)

i've lost interest in things that usually bring me joy
(i prefer to stay home...all the time)

the good list gives me hope that i'll have a successful career, relationship with paul, and that i don't have to live in the hottest, most humid, ugliest city in the US.

the not-so-good list gives me something to do until then. my goals are to start minding what i eat (i don't have a teenager's metabolism anymore...) start exercising, and start finding things that i can do that bring me joy on a daily basis. basically, my goals are to get more out of life, health, and myself.

i'll be taking baby steps, i don't want to burn out. i will definitely be following rachel's blog for yummy, healthy recipes. i also plan on going on walks to exercise and take time to myself to think and see all of the beautiful things i might be missing about columbia.

and, by george, i hope to document my journey on this blog. and if it's not as entertaining as you might hope...go check out rachel's blog (have i plugged it enough yet?!)