26 October 2010

time-travelling sniper cat.

i was watching the short film la jetee when i was struck with an idea for a potential story. (if you aren't familiar with this film, i suggest watching it on netflix. it's only 28 minutes and it's very awesome. just do it.)

i feel that the idea of time travel can be dramatized either pretty neat or horribly, horribly wrong. i'm not entirely sure which side of the teeter totter my idea is sitting on, but i'm hoping my innovative creativity happens to show up if i actually sit to write it. but here is the basic premise. it's not a subject i would normally write about so if it sounds a little hokey...well...just gimme a break.

it is the year 2059 and time travel is possible. a new type of sniper is here; the one who can go back in time. it's brilliant. they are never caught.
nick darkby has been following his next kill, seeing exactly where he will be and documenting precise times so that he can go in and out and get the job done quickly. time travel is hard on the human body, so it must be done perfectly the first time. there are no second chances.
as nick is preparing to go back in time, a simple documentation error sends him back to a time when his mark is a young boy. nick knows what kind of evil man the boy will grow to be but now must face him as an innocent boy. he wrestles with his conscience. he knows what he has to do.
nick returns to present time very ill. filled with regret and left with nearly no more life in him himself, he returns to a place where circumstances are drastically changed due to his successful assassination. however; nick cannot live with knowing that he just killed a young boy. does he risk his own life and the lives of many people whom the boy has eventually affected to go back even further and prevent murdering the boy? dun dun dun...

i'm thinking of creating my own version of la jetee based on my story here. chuck will play the sniper. (he is currently bathing mothership's forehead. i might have to recast.)

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