20 April 2011

i'm a mover and also a shaker. but more of a mover.

i thought the hard part about moving in with paul would be finding the apartment. well, now that that's done...i've realized that wasn't even the beginning!

when you live with girls all of your life, "nesting" is just a normal part of the process. but now i have to take into account that maybe this man that i'm living with doesn't want these really cute floral curtains hanging up in his man room. and i have to share a closet now?? i could barely contain all of my clothes with my own closet...and now i have to share? oh boy. so the past few days have been filled with laundry and sorting out what i want to keep, what can be packed away, and what goes to donation land. ideally i'd like to have a yard sale but paul is convinced that i don't have enough stuff for my own sale...but now that i'm going through everything and packing, i have a lot. and i have no idea what to do with this dang christmas tree that is STILL up in my house.

thankfully dehrae is coming down this weekend. that girl has got it together and she offered to help me. i love my friends! now to find boxes...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, don't you just wish that when you move you can just leave all your stuff and get all new stuff in the new place? I think that would make moving sooo much easier! Let me know if you need help unpacking! : )
