16 March 2011

i have a few questions about things happening now.

  • is it popular right now for members of a band to look as if they are possessed/emotionally afflicted/having a stroke while performing? it doesn't make me think you're cool, it makes me feel like i should move the furniture and make sure you don't bite your tongue.
  • since when did babies become accessories? seems like it's the thing to have a baby and be like, ooh look how cool my baby is. your baby isn't cool, it's a freaking tiny human that you need to worry about bumping into things and getting in with the wrong crowd.
  • is body odor the new eau de toilette? the answer to this is always no.
  • is "giving up" something for lent becoming a fad? even non-christians are giving things up. and then making sure everyone knows. do i think you're noble for giving up fried food? no, probably not. (chances are you should probably give it up anyways.)

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