21 March 2011


i love days like today...sunny and breezy and the temperature just fits with your skin. i love to ride around town listening to songs that take me back to times and places where i was in love with the day. i strive to relive those moments and i thought i would take you with me. find your name, click it, and listen to the song i've chosen for that moment. enjoy.

i could probably make an individual soundtrack for each of you but i tried to narrow it down to the best one. feel free to listen to each other's songs, you'll find a little bit of yourself in them. i miss you guys. hope you're having fun with life.

16 March 2011

i have a few questions about things happening now.

  • is it popular right now for members of a band to look as if they are possessed/emotionally afflicted/having a stroke while performing? it doesn't make me think you're cool, it makes me feel like i should move the furniture and make sure you don't bite your tongue.
  • since when did babies become accessories? seems like it's the thing to have a baby and be like, ooh look how cool my baby is. your baby isn't cool, it's a freaking tiny human that you need to worry about bumping into things and getting in with the wrong crowd.
  • is body odor the new eau de toilette? the answer to this is always no.
  • is "giving up" something for lent becoming a fad? even non-christians are giving things up. and then making sure everyone knows. do i think you're noble for giving up fried food? no, probably not. (chances are you should probably give it up anyways.)

07 March 2011

an intermission.

"we simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. for it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope."
-wallace stegner

i've never given nature a second thought. i've mainly lived in the midlands of south carolina, so nature to me meant hot, sticky, sweaty, cockroachy grossness and i'd rather not be a part of that. and though i have had the privilege of traveling far and wide, my vision of nature had become terrifyingly myopic.

but paul introduced me to the world of US national parks. never a big fan of anything related to "american nature," i was surprised to hear of an underground super volcano in wyoming. that seemed way cooler than the wilderness i was used to, so i investigated. one thing lead to another, and in july 2010, i found myself booking flights to bozeman, montana for a visit to yellowstone national park.

before yellowstone, i was a 26 year old victim of ennui. i thought i had seen everything and nothing would surprise me anymore. but yellowstone woke me up, shook me gently, and placed my feet upon earth that was breathing and moaning and beckoning me to be amazed. and i was.

to this day, my trip to yellowstone national park continues to be one of the most profound experiences of my life. i believe that trip was my right of passage. and what's even more amazing is the fact that yellowstone is just the beginning. there's shenandoah, virginia. there's mammoth cave, kentucky. crater lake, oregon. badlands, south dakota. everglades, florida. acadia, maine. death valley, california. glacier bay, alaska.

every corner of america parading her finest features.

if you're bored, unimpressed, or simply uninspired, i urge you to open your eyes and see the great things that have been waiting patiently for your attention for thousands of years.

03 March 2011

day three.

i know it's been a couple of days since "day two" but i honestly kinda forgot. it's been very busy. not gonna lie, it's tough going to school from 9-430 everyday and then going to work. but that's where mountain dew comes in...

so as i sip on my first dew of the day, i shall address today's topic: my view on drugs and alcohol. my views are really quite simple...make good choices. you are in charge of your own life. if you decide to let drugs and alcohol into your life, you run the risk of ruining it. but hey, it's up to you.

well, that was a really boring post if i do say so myself.