31 March 2010

in the spirit of a sunny day off...

droppin knowledge!

:though i'm sure you already knew:
as it turns out, yellowstone national park
has a volcano situation going on.

yeah. like you actually knew it is the
largest volcanic system in north america.

ok. well i didn't know.
but now i do.

apparently it's an active volcano...
it just hasn't done anything in 70,000 years.
i'm afraid it's probably going to erupt very soon.

i won't let that stop me.
i want to go.

30 March 2010

wasn't obama supposed to help?

:so let's talk about my past 2 days:
maybe you can help me decide
if it's worth it.
(because maybe then i'll work it.)

:day one:
12 hour day at work.
bit on the ankle by a dog.
made $45 for the entire day.

:day two:
9 hour day at work.
someone called the cops on me.
was taken to the cayce city police station
on account of an expired business license.
no charges.
made $0 for the entire day.

:i had a bad attitude:
since they don't tolerate bad attitudes at the office
i faked sick and went home.

i think i'll be sick tomorrow too
so i can look for a new job.

:moral of this story:
no matter how desperate you are
do NOT do "direct marketing."
it is the worst job.




28 March 2010

i swear i just had a krispy kreme donut in my hand

:oh, hello:

life has certainly been avec adventures lately.
this will be my concise account of said adventures.

:i'll start with today:
listening to squarepusher on my first/only day off.

:arbeit macht frei:
training for management at JCB Marketing and Associates.

:cat on a hot tin roof got evicted:
homelessness is an undeniable way to find people
who still have the remnants
of a soul.

:blood-pumping organ:
paul is awesome.
my mom is awesome.
mothership is awesome.

:other breaking news in the world of pseudopodia:
carpools rule.